Friday, June 11, 2010

Current Philosophy

This is a wonderful philosophy from one of my favourite characters, one that I'm trying to tell myself all the time. In a good way of course! Things are great, but I need to just keep swimming. Especially as I prepare for yet another work trip, work on increasing my patience, and try to deal with stupid blogger being a curmudgeon about posting pictures right now. Anyhoo, I'm off to follow the wisdom of Dorrie.


  1. Good luck with your week! Maybe just keep singing and it will keep you going.

  2. Ha! I'm so with you on that one!

    I sometimes post that on Facebook and Twitter: Swimmming, swimming, swimming. And a lot of people have no clue what I mean – they think I've actually been swimming, when really I mean I'm practically drowning, figuratively speaking. Lol!

    Not to mention I actually do love swimming, and if I'm feeling totally panicked, thinking about being under the water, where it's quiet and calm, makes me feel at peace...

    Hope things work out with your trip, Blogger, and being more patient (a tough one, I think, for most of us!).

    :) L
