Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Workin' It

I know I do this every once in a while, that post where I'm all, "Oh my gosh!  I totally just did something physical that I didn't think I could do!!".  Sorry, this is one of those posts again.  I can't help it, I'm positive sometimes :)

I got home yesterday, feeling the need to do some kind of physical activity (it had been a while).  So, I broke out the running shoes and got on the elliptical (I had tried it once since I got it back, but only for a few minutes).  I think I did about 15 minutes, broken with 30 second/one minute breaks to stretch and relax my ankle.  I knew after 15 minutes that my time on it was done, but I wasn't done.  So, then I hopped on my bike and did another 15 minutes.  I was actually sweaty and had an increased heart rate!  This is major for me.  Both physically and mentally.  I know that the one workout session didn't make a huge change in my body, but I do feel stronger just having accomplished that.

Oh, and my jealousy of my dog is going away as I am taking the afternoon off with my mom and doing some ice-fishing of my own!  AND, it is a totally beautiful day outside :)  Bliss.


  1. Way to go, Pony! I'm going to have to use you as a model while I have some time off. First though have to wait till my body stops crying out for my Enbrel shot tonight... :(


  2. Thanks again, Laurie! It's so hard to actually want to exercise, but be unable to due to stupid RA. Hope your Enbrel shot goes quick, and gives relief soon :)

  3. Yay! Bravo my wonderful friend!! I know you can do more!

