Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mission Accomplished

Okay, so I was feeling pretty cruddy yesterday and today, and I even started writing a post about how "blah" I was feeling.  Then I went for a walk this afternoon, which was my second walk since friday.  Wait just a darn gosh minute there!  Why am I feeling so down when I have started walking again?!?!?  This has been one of my goals for quite a while now.  There had been days when I can barely get around my house, or from my house to my car.  But, my meds have kicked in and a while back I walked home from work (which is indeed close, but an accomplishment none-the-less).

And then on friday the weather was amazing, I had energy and little pain in my ankle.  So, I decided to take the mutt for a walk.  And I did, and it was glorious.  Let me tell you folks, I even cried on this walk.  Then, I did it again today.  I feel awesome, not perfect, but pretty darn awesome.

Walking is my calm.  It gets me where I need to go.  It gets me outdoors, in the wilderness, close to the earth.  Sometimes it stresses me out, when I see a big lynx up ahead, or in situations where my dog feels the need to run after a moose, or get herself caught in an animal trap (this has happened twice.  A serious downer on walks in the woods.  And, I don't mean a park, I mean the forest).  Don't worry, Fran is a real trooper and loves a good bunny to run after. 

I need it, I need to be able to walk, it keeps me balanced.  I don't feel cruddy, I feel good.  I'm walkin' again!


  1. *hugs and love* I'm glad we're both feeling better.

  2. Thanks :) I'm glad as well. It's hard to keep feeling bad when you realized you accomplished something huge!
